\( \def\bold#1{\bf #1} \newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}} \)
Ui | Main class |
MainWindow | |
BTP3setups | Provide all user settings |
CAfib | |
Cfib | |
climb | Container struct for ClimbAnalyse |
ClimbAnalyse | Extracts climbs from street network and provides climblayer handling |
ClimbAnalyseSettings | Container for user settings to run ClimbAnalyse |
climblayer | |
climblayerelement | |
climbpoolele | |
ColorButton | Button to display color and open color dialog |
config | Main user setting container |
crossdata | Container struct to hold data of a cross |
crosspoolele | |
CubicKernel3 | Holds weights for cubic interpolation |
EditInputs | Generic class to provide editing of specific types |
ele | |
ExtMapSettings | Container for user settings to manually generate map |
FibunacciHeap | |
gpx | |
gpxlist | |
HeightData | Holds digital elevation model extracted from SRTM3 data |
Inputs | Combined input widget to serve text edit and slider at once |
KOO | Container struct to hold data of a coordinate |
KOOlist | Main container for Track, WayHeight and ClimbAnalyse |
lines | Osm data container list for line like data (roads, rivers) |
MainWindow | |
MAP | Generating maps |
MapSettings | |
nameaspirant | |
nbpoolele | |
Neighbour | routing container struct, connects cross via Way with each other |
OSM | BTP3 database, created from OpenStreetMap data |
OSM_Data | |
plot2D | Plotting 2D-Data sets as the height profile of a track or poweranalysis data |
points | Osm data container list for point like data (summits, towns, ...) |
PortionInstruction | |
PortionInstructionCol | |
PowerAnalysis | Power calculation for height-distance datasets |
PowerAnalysisSetting | Setting for poweranalysis |
ProfilSettings | Setting for 2D plot |
rect | Holds data grid information |
recti | Holds data grid information with angles multiplied by 1200 |
relation | Osm data container list for relation data (multiple lakes and forrests) |
Routing | Class to perform routing routines on osm data sets |
STRONG | Main struct for routing purpose |
STRONGcalc | Label algorithm to solve multicriteria shortes path problem |
STRONGClimbfib | FibunacciHeap element to store STRONG data with climb analysis |
STRONGfib | FibunacciHeap element to store STRONG data |
STRONGlayer | List elements to handle multiple STRONGlayers |
STRONGlayerele | Base information to draw road section in STRONGlayers |
STRONGPlusfib | FibunacciHeap element to store STRONG data with climb restrictions |
STRONGsetting | |
SunSetting | Setting of the light to render the DEM |
templatepoint | |
Track | Official representation of Track in BTP3 |
trackpoint | Container struct for Track to hold distance and height data |
trackpointlist | Main container list climbanalyse |
Ui_MainWindow | |
UndoRedo | Undo and redo container class for BTP to save no longer needed tracks |
undoredolist | UndoRedo container list element, stores Track |
Way | Container for line geodata |
WayHeight | Assigns heights to Way, generates Neighbour data |
WebData | Creates data for web site |
webdatacmd | Multithreading working command, defines the task to be executed |
WindLabel | Define wind strength and direction by clicking a wind rose picture |