\( \def\bold#1{\bf #1} \newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}} \) BTP: Manual and Source Code Documentation

Power Uphill

bike mass [kg]
body mass [kg]
altitude gain [m]
climb length [km]
gradient [%]
time [s]
speed [km/h]
power [W]
power/mass [W/kg]
climbrate [m/min]

average power on climb stage

BTP  3.0
PowerAnalysis Class Reference

power calculation for height-distance datasets More...

#include <poweranalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for PowerAnalysis:
Collaboration diagram for PowerAnalysis:


void recalced ()
 informs about finished calculation

Public Member Functions

 PowerAnalysis (PowerAnalysisSetting *s)
void init ()
void set_default (PowerAnalysisSetting *s)
 apply default setting to the PowerAnalysisSetting s
void calc_track (Track *t)
 calc power from P(v) distribution
void calc_track (Track *t, double *timed, double *time, int count)
 calc power from known velocities
int isready ()
 returns whether data is loaded
double ** get_vdata ()
 returns data array pointer
double ** get_Pdata ()
 returns data array pointer
int get_datacount ()
 returns data array length
double get_t (double d)
 interpolate time in data
double get_v (double d)
 interpolate time in data
double get_P ()
 return average power
double get_v ()
 return average velocity
double get_P (double d)
double get_v (double dmin, double dmax)
 return average velocity on track section defined by distance points
double get_P (double dmin, double dmax)
 return average velocity on track section defined by distance points

Private Slots

void set_default_refresh ()
 reset PowerAnalysisSetting s
void draw_Pv ()
 draw P(v) distriubtion
void draw_cwAv ()
 draw cwA(v) distriubtion
void update_Pvl (double v)
 update info label
void update_cwAl (double v)
 update info label
void show_slopespeed_table ()
double bft_to_mpros ()
 wind speed in m/s from beaufort
void recalc ()
void toggle_fightwind ()
 switch wind handling in fightwind of PowerAnalysisSetting More...
void toggle_timestamp ()
 makes poweranalysis ignoring or subordinate time stamp More...

Private Member Functions

double vmax (double slope, double direction)
 physics: calculate the resulting velocity from P(v) at specific slope
double veff (double v, double direction)
 physics: total air speed from movement speed v and wind
double rho (double h)
 physics: air pressure dependend from height (barometric formula)
double T (double h)
 physics: temperature from height with 0.7 K/100m temperature decrease
double P (double v)
 velocity depend output power, parametrised with fermi function
double P (double v, double slope, double direction, double rho0)
 necessary power to keep velocity, depending on enviroment
double cwA (double v)
 velocity depend cwA value, parametrised with fermi function
void track_to_data (Track *t)
 extracs calculation data
void calc_power ()
 execute the calculation

Private Attributes

double vwind
 wind velocity
 wind visualization
QCheckBox fwcb
 fight wind checkbox
Inputsip [15]
 user interface
 assigned settings to be used
PowerAnalysisSetting s0
 intrinsic settings
plot2D Pt
 calculated power-time distriubtion
plot2D Pv
 user defined power output
plot2D cwAv
 user defined cwA value
QLabel Pvl
QLabel cwAvl
 plot2d info area
QPushButton bdefault
QPushButton brecalc
QPushButton btoggletimestamp
double * plotdata [2]
 container to collect plotting data
ProfilSettings pfs
QPlainTextEdit textbox
double * d [9]
double ds
double Ebrake
double Eout
double * Pdata [2]
double * vdata [2]
int count
 data array length
bool timeexisting
 is time data existing?

Detailed Description

power calculation for height-distance datasets

This class provides a trivial integration routine to calculate the power output of a self powered object (e.g. a cyclist) on a track. The cyclist is defined by mass, cwA, coefficient of friction, maximum acceleration in bends and for breaking. A velocity dependend power output P(v) is holds for the whole calculation. The enviroment is defined by its pressure at sea level its temperature und wind strength and direction. The track is an dataset holding the height and distance data as well as coordinates to calculate bend radius to estimate maximum velocity to pass the bends and possibly force a breaking. All the parameters are specified in PowerAnalysisSetting.

The calculation itself is trivial: the current cyclista Power output (depending on the current velocity) minus the the current resitences (aerodynamic drag, road resistance, climb power) leads to the total acceleration which can of course be negative. If the requires breaking then Power output is set to zero and the required breaking power is applied. Loading an time data as well the calculation is no more based on the Power output P(v) but on the realized velocity.

Definition at line 76 of file poweranalysis.h.

Member Function Documentation

double PowerAnalysis::get_P ( double  d)

return power at distance point d

Definition at line 566 of file poweranalysis.cpp.

void PowerAnalysis::recalc ( )

perform the whole calculation

Definition at line 626 of file poweranalysis.cpp.

void PowerAnalysis::toggle_fightwind ( )

switch wind handling in fightwind of PowerAnalysisSetting

the cyclist is allowed in two ways to react on hitting wind, this is: a) fight the wind, i.g. serve a higher Power than usually apllied at this speed. This higher Power is calculated by vector additon of wind and moving velocity thus imitating that speed was even lower b) adapt power output P(v) to the real moving velocity, i.g. Power output is only raised due to the reduce velocity (which should be related to a higher Power output)

Both principles apply at tailwind, i.g. in case a) relaxing even more than in case b). To put it in Nutshells: Fighting the wind will lead to less velocity deviations from the average.

Definition at line 630 of file poweranalysis.cpp.

void PowerAnalysis::toggle_timestamp ( )

makes poweranalysis ignoring or subordinate time stamp

if a time stamp exists from a gpx or was previously loaded, than the rider specific, velocity dependend power output is ignored and power is calculated to satisfy the give velocity time with respect to the PowerAnalysisSetting. If this time stamp should be ignored, then the time is calculated from the rider specific power output.

Definition at line 636 of file poweranalysis.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

double* PowerAnalysis::d[9]

data array 0: distance [meter] 1: height [meter] 2: azimut 3: bend 4: vmax due to bend 5: calculated v 6: seconds 7: Power 8: Energy

Definition at line 182 of file poweranalysis.h.

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