\( \def\bold#1{\bf #1} \newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}} \) BTP: Manual and Source Code Documentation

Power Uphill

bike mass [kg]
body mass [kg]
altitude gain [m]
climb length [km]
gradient [%]
time [s]
speed [km/h]
power [W]
power/mass [W/kg]
climbrate [m/min]

average power on climb stage

BTP  3.0
ClimbAnalyse Class Reference

extracts climbs from street network and provides climblayer handling More...

#include <ClimbAnalyse.h>

Collaboration diagram for ClimbAnalyse:

Public Member Functions

 ClimbAnalyse ()
 ClimbAnalyse (OSM *O, short mintype, short maxtype, double minP, double minSlope, double maxdwnHM, double minHM, HeightData *h)
 starts a climb analysis
climblayerget_ClimbLayer ()
climblayerload_ClimbLayer (char *filename)
void save_ClimbLayer (char *projectname, char *folder, climblayer *c)
void create_MAP (char *projectname, char *folder, HeightData *h, double size)
void create_html (char *projectname, char *folder)
void create_list (char *projectname, char *folder)
void set_brect (double minlat, double maxlat, double minlon, double maxlon)
 restrict saved data to a rectangular area

Private Member Functions

void analyse ()
void set_parameters (short mintype, short maxtype, double minP, double minSlope, double maxdwnHM, double minHM)
 set the definitons of the climb
void reset_STRONG (KOO *k)
 preparing cross to be inserted into f
void init_fib (KOO *k)
void init_climb (climb *c, KOO *k)
void expand (climb *c)
 makes this climb expand over all Neighbour relations More...
void free_tpl (trackpointlist *tp, trackpointlist *tpstop)
 deletes a trackpointlist down to tpstop
trackpointlistadd (trackpointlist *tp, trackpoint *t, int tpc, readdirection rd)
 adds an branch t to a axisting trackpointlist
float calc_P (trackpointlist *tp)
 calcs climb difficulty with fixed climb end
float calc_P (trackpoint *t, int arraylength)
 calcs climb difficulty with loose climb end
float calc_Pmax (climb *c)
 calcs climb difficulty with loose climb end
void calc_climb (climb *c)
 calcs P, Pmax, Prec, tst of a climb
short looses (climb *resident, climb *aspirant)
 determines, whether a new climb can stop an existing or vice versa
short is_climb (trackpointlist *tp)
 checks whether the list represents a climb
short all_active (climb *c)
 checks, whether used road are still avaiable in select_climbs()
short enough_active (climb *c)
 checks climb, whether used roads are sufficently independend
short storeif_climb (Neighbour *n, trackpointlist *tp, climb *from)
 checks for existing climbs at cross and executes looses()
void del_climb (climb *c)
 deletes the whole climb recursivly
void count_climbs (KOO *k)
void collect_climbs (KOO *k)
 picks raw climbs from street net, to be selected (select_climbs())
void select_climbs ()
 selects collected climbs, if suffiently independed or difficult
void create_names ()
 create names from OSM data
void eval_Way_names (QList< nameaspirant > *wn, climb *c0)
 create climb name aspirant list according to street names
void eval_point_names (QList< nameaspirant > *pn, points **p, double fac, Track *t, bool validstart)
 create climb name aspirant list from summits and other point data
void sort_climbpool (long s, long e)
 quicksort for collected climbs
void create_climb_Track (climbpoolele *c)
 trace back climb to start and creates Track instance from it
short check (KOO *k)
short crossunused (climb *c, KOO *k)
 varifies, that climb has not used the cross at k before

Private Attributes

FibunacciHeap< CAfib > * f
 priority queue to store active cross sorted by height
long int climbcount
 container to store climbs when collect_climbs()
double minlat
 bounding rect, saved html data is limited to
double maxlat
double minlon
double maxlon
*short mintype
*short maxtype
double minP
double minSlope
double maxdwnHM
double minHM
double autonomP

Detailed Description

extracts climbs from street network and provides climblayer handling

A climb is defined by its minimum slope, is maximum descenting section, its minimum height meters and its minimum difficulty. It has to sufficiently independend from climbs which might lay at parts of the same Track. This class prides an algorithm to calculate all climbs. It is startet by calling the analyse() method. The algorithm works as follows: 1.) put all cross into a height sorted list to serve as a climb start 2.) lowest cross expands and labels the Neighbour cross, sets them active, i.g. put them into the list if they're not active 3.) a cross will be reached by different climbs, some of them have to be stopped if too weak. 4.) climb will only expand as long as the maximum descent fraction is not exceeded 5.) finally the cross list will be empty 6.) Now collect the climbs from the network beginning with the most difficult 7.) only the most difficult and sufficently independend climbs shall survive The resulting climbpool can be used to generate a climblayer and html data etc. The climblayer is a layer on top of the MAP, displaying all climbs. This creates, saves und loads the climblayer.

Definition at line 52 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ClimbAnalyse::ClimbAnalyse ( )

use for tp load climblayer only

Definition at line 20 of file ClimbAnalyse.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void ClimbAnalyse::analyse ( )

starts the actual analysis

Definition at line 39 of file ClimbAnalyse.cpp.

void ClimbAnalyse::expand ( climb c)

makes this climb expand over all Neighbour relations

the used Neighbour relation has to fullfil the mintype and maxtype than the climb tries to expand. Whether the expansion is succesful or not is check by the storeif_climb() method, then the expansion is either accepted or refused.

Definition at line 139 of file ClimbAnalyse.cpp.

climblayer * ClimbAnalyse::get_ClimbLayer ( )

creates and returns climblayer

Definition at line 536 of file ClimbAnalyse.cpp.

void ClimbAnalyse::init_fib ( KOO k)

put all cross to f recursivly

Definition at line 107 of file ClimbAnalyse.cpp.

Member Data Documentation

double ClimbAnalyse::autonomP

climb definition

Definition at line 80 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

long int ClimbAnalyse::climbcount

number of collected climbs

Definition at line 85 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

climb* ClimbAnalyse::cp

climbpool, lists stopped climbs

Definition at line 89 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

HeightData* ClimbAnalyse::h

for evaluating name aspirants

Definition at line 143 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

double ClimbAnalyse::maxdwnHM

climb definition

Definition at line 80 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

* short ClimbAnalyse::maxtype

road type definition

Definition at line 77 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

double ClimbAnalyse::minHM

climb definition

Definition at line 80 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

double ClimbAnalyse::minP

climb definition

Definition at line 80 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

double ClimbAnalyse::minSlope

climb definition

Definition at line 80 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

* short ClimbAnalyse::mintype

road type definition

Definition at line 77 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

OSM* ClimbAnalyse::o

holds the street network data

Definition at line 142 of file ClimbAnalyse.h.

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