5 #include "HeightData.h"
62 void save_ClimbLayer(
char* projectname,
char* folder,
climblayer *c);
63 void create_MAP(
char* projectname,
char* folder,
HeightData* h,
65 void create_html(
char* projectname,
char* folder);
66 void create_list(
char* projectname,
char* folder);
69 double minlon,
double maxlon);
74 double minSlope,
double maxdwnHM,
double minHM);
123 void count_climbs(
KOO* k);
134 Track* t,
bool validstart);
144 double minlat,maxlat,minlon,maxlon;
void sort_climbpool(long s, long e)
quicksort for collected climbs
double minlat
bounding rect, saved html data is limited to
void calc_climb(climb *c)
calcs P, Pmax, Prec, tst of a climb
void create_names()
create names from OSM data
void create_climb_Track(climbpoolele *c)
trace back climb to start and creates Track instance from it
void set_parameters(short mintype, short maxtype, double minP, double minSlope, double maxdwnHM, double minHM)
set the definitons of the climb
void collect_climbs(KOO *k)
picks raw climbs from street net, to be selected (select_climbs())
climbpoolele * climbpool
container to store climbs when collect_climbs()
container struct to hold data of a coordinate
short all_active(climb *c)
checks, whether used road are still avaiable in select_climbs()
short enough_active(climb *c)
checks climb, whether used roads are sufficently independend
routing container struct, connects cross via Way with each other
void reset_STRONG(KOO *k)
preparing cross to be inserted into f
void free_tpl(trackpointlist *tp, trackpointlist *tpstop)
deletes a trackpointlist down to tpstop
container struct for ClimbAnalyse
main container list climbanalyse
climblayer * get_ClimbLayer()
holds digital elevation model extracted from SRTM3 data
official representation of Track in BTP3
short crossunused(climb *c, KOO *k)
varifies, that climb has not used the cross at k before
extracts climbs from street network and provides climblayer handling
void select_climbs()
selects collected climbs, if suffiently independed or difficult
float calc_Pmax(climb *c)
calcs climb difficulty with loose climb end
void del_climb(climb *c)
deletes the whole climb recursivly
void set_brect(double minlat, double maxlat, double minlon, double maxlon)
restrict saved data to a rectangular area
void eval_point_names(QList< nameaspirant > *pn, points **p, double fac, Track *t, bool validstart)
create climb name aspirant list from summits and other point data
short is_climb(trackpointlist *tp)
checks whether the list represents a climb
BTP3 database, created from OpenStreetMap data.
short storeif_climb(Neighbour *n, trackpointlist *tp, climb *from)
checks for existing climbs at cross and executes looses()
FibunacciHeap< CAfib > * f
priority queue to store active cross sorted by height
trackpointlist * add(trackpointlist *tp, trackpoint *t, int tpc, readdirection rd)
adds an branch t to a axisting trackpointlist
void eval_Way_names(QList< nameaspirant > *wn, climb *c0)
create climb name aspirant list according to street names
container struct for Track to hold distance and height data
float calc_P(trackpointlist *tp)
calcs climb difficulty with fixed climb end
short looses(climb *resident, climb *aspirant)
determines, whether a new climb can stop an existing or vice versa
osm data container list for point like data (summits, towns, ...)
void expand(climb *c)
makes this climb expand over all Neighbour relations