\( \def\bold#1{\bf #1} \newcommand{\d}{\mathrm{d}} \) BTP: Manual and Source Code Documentation

Power Uphill

bike mass [kg]
body mass [kg]
altitude gain [m]
climb length [km]
gradient [%]
time [s]
speed [km/h]
power [W]
power/mass [W/kg]
climbrate [m/min]

average power on climb stage

BTP  3.0
Inputs Class Reference

combined input widget to serve text edit and slider at once More...

#include <poweranalysis.h>

Inheritance diagram for Inputs:
Collaboration diagram for Inputs:

Public Slots

void refresh ()
 set edit text to v-value


void changed ()

Public Member Functions

 Inputs (QString labeltext, double min, double max, double *v)
 create widget with data range [min,max] and data reference v

Private Slots

void slidertoedit ()
 apply slider value to edit and v
void sliderpreview (int i)
 set edit text from slider value
void checkedit (QString newedit)
 check if user input is a float

Private Attributes

QLabel * label
QSlider * slider
double smin
double smax
double * v
 define data range
QLineEdit * edit

Detailed Description

combined input widget to serve text edit and slider at once

Definition at line 18 of file poweranalysis.h.

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