3 #include "HeightData.h"
5 #include <QtWidgets/QMessageBox>
56 double* lonmin,
double* lonmax);
int KOO_already_used(KOO *k, KOOlist *kl)
help function of trace_to_HeightData()
void calc_crossheight(KOO *k)
determines the common crossheight fromthe domiciled Neighbour
void check_brect(Way *w, double *latmin, double *latmax, double *lonmin, double *lonmax)
adapt bounding rect to cover whole data set
void trace_to_HeightData(float d, KOO *k, KOOlist *kl, trackpointlist *tl)
work function of add_NoHeights_HeightData()
double rlimit
maximum accepted mistrust index
void portion_divide(KOO *k)
normalize the distributes mistrust index
void alloc_neighbours(Way *w)
search allong way for neighbouring cross, link them with Neighbour data
double dminur
minimum section length to cross
void portion_way(KOO *k)
smearing out the mistrust index within the Neighbour data
void mark_NoHeights()
if a Way is tunnel or bridge height must be interpolated lineary
void delete_PortionInstructions(KOO *k)
delete the angular relation of Neighbour at a cross
container struct to hold data of a coordinate
double dstep0
interpolation step size in km
int glacerate
how many times is glazed
void alloc_NoHeights_neighbours()
create Neighbour data (end & start only) for members of osm::NoHeight
void add_NoHeights_HeightData(KOO *k)
determine the heights of tunnels and bridges at start and end
routing container struct, connects cross via Way with each other
main container list climbanalyse
short check0(KOO *k)
returns zero if a zero distance Neighbour was found
double flach2
move cross to place with (grad^2)
holds digital elevation model extracted from SRTM3 data
container for line geodata
void dismark_NoHeights()
reduces Way::type by 10 if member of osm::NoHeight data
void reduce_data(KOO *k)
run select_heights() and finalize_data() on every Neighbour
WayHeight(HeightData *H, OSM *O)
constructor runs the whole calculation
void glaze()
smear out gaussian the mistrust index over several hundred meter
void finalize_data(Neighbour *n)
keep selected data and delete unused data
void portion_cross(KOO *k)
smearing out at the borders of the Neighbour data, i.g. at the cross
void add_raw_HeightData(KOO *k)
assign raw height data to all Neighbour datasets
assigns heights to Way, generates Neighbour data
BTP3 database, created from OpenStreetMap data.
void generate_PortionInstructions(KOO *k)
generate the angular relation of Neighbour at a cross
void select_heights(Neighbour *n, long s, long e)
select the most charakteristicand trustful heighdata of a Neighbour
double dmin
minimum section length in km
void reset_cross_markers(KOO *k)
set status of every KOO zero
main container for Track, WayHeight and ClimbAnalyse
void show_d_confidence(KOO *k)
void alloc_crossdata(KOO *k)
allocs crossdata if KOO was marked as cross
void show_d_h(KOO *k)
visualization for developers