5 #include "HeightData.h"
void STRONGlayer_save(char *filename, STRONGlayer *SL)
saves STRONGlayer to file
void STRONGlayer_count_neighbours(KOO *k, int *nbc)
counts total Neighbour count on osm data set
list elements to handle multiple STRONGlayers
container struct to hold data of a coordinate
STRONGlayer * STRONGlayer_load(char *filename)
loades STRONGlayer from file
void extract_neighbourlist(STRONG *s, STRONG *e, Neighbour ***nl, int *nc)
collects a Neighbour list from STRONG network
void finish_STRONG()
resets STRONG network of a STRONGcalc to normal Dijkstra state
short STRONGlayer_grid_free(KOO *k)
routing container struct, connects cross via Way with each other
void STRONGlayer_grid_new()
base information to draw road section in STRONGlayers
void resetSTRONG(KOO *k, int STRONGindex)
resets the STRONG network to begin calculation
void setSTRONG(KOO *k, KOO *s, KOO *e, float radius, int n)
body of finish_STRONG();
void STRONGlayer_mark_neighbours(KOO *k, int si)
increment Neighbour attribute d by its usage rate on STRONG network
short DijkstraFib_minHM(KOO *s, KOO *e, char max, char min, OSM *o, int Si)
see DijkstraFib(), but minimizing Hm instead of distance
class to perform routing routines on osm data sets
void STRONGlayer_grid_delete()
STRONGlayer * STRONGlayer_create(STRONGlayer *SL, int N)
creates STRONGlayer from a unfinalized STRONG network
BTP3 database, created from OpenStreetMap data.
void STRONGlayer_reconstruct_d(KOO *k)
reconstructs Neighbour distance attribute d from Way data
short DijkstraFib(KOO *s, KOO *e, char max, char min, OSM *o, int Si)
this is famous Dijkstra shortes path algothim
void STRONGlayer_sort(STRONGlayer *SL, long s, long e)
quicksort neighbours by its usage rate
void STRONGlayer_fill_neighbours(KOO *k, STRONGlayerele *data, int *nbc)
copy Neighbour attribut d to STRONGlayer data
void STRONGlayer_grid_reset()
void STRONGlayer_reset_d(KOO *k)
sets Neighbour distance attribute d to zero
main struct for routing purpose